فيسبوك تويتر يوتيوب راسلنا تغذية الأخبار
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 Human development program

Our foundation is committed to the importance of building the human being through its weaponization of knowledge and the various sciences that make them active cadres in the society not only serve themselves but can serve their society and their homeland. Our foundation has the will and the ability to prepare and implement programs that serve this goal.

These programs focus primarily on vulnerable groups requiring assistance such as women and children, and secondly on the rest of the groups, who need only support and support in training and rehabilitation.

Our foundation has the experience and the distinguished cadres in the training and rehabilitation aspects and has excellent relations in many effective training and rehabilitation centers. It can also use the scientific cadres in the Yemeni universities and institutes. Through its programs and activities, the Foundation aspires to create the conditions and award scholarships in cooperation with the commercial houses in Yemen, In this Field.

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