فيسبوك تويتر يوتيوب راسلنا تغذية الأخبار
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 -         Making number of complexes and schools during his presidency of Anse association.

-         A complex in the state of Douran – Dhamar governorate.

 -         A complex in the state of Al-Manar Hamam Ali - Dhamar governorate.

-         Al-Hader complex under construction.

 -         A school (6) classes in Alsanafi state - Dhamar governorate.

School (6) classes at the expense of the group Hail Said Anam in the village of Al Muziba – Al-sharq city - Dhamar governorate.

1-    Vocational education :

-         Follow up and work on seize and fencing the land in the city of Doran in Dhamar province to build the vocational institute in the city at the expense of the ministry.

-         Reservation and fencing of land for the construction of the Commercial Institute of the eastern city of Dhamar Governorate.





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