فيسبوك تويتر يوتيوب راسلنا تغذية الأخبار
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  Scoop of the founder and founding of Al-khairat Foundation:


 Mr. Ali Ali Al-Jumra started his interaction with philanthropy more than three decades ago. He has been active in charitable and cooperative activities, including various aspects of life and community needs. In multi-purpose development sectors, the most important sectors are roads, schools, health centers, youth and sports. This is in addition to his humanitarian philanthropy of helping poor families, and This testifies to his biography, his journey, career and history, despite the fact he was engaged in the public service through the functions that were assigned and carried out properly, and despite his dedication in the performance of his national duties he did not leave the work of charitable and cooperative, Which was initiated in his region first and then included in it to include the regions and governorates where he served (Dhamar - Radaa - Aden - Lahj - Taiz - Sana'a). In addition to his role in achieving social peace and harnessing his knowledge and social relationship in the reform of many social relations throughout the country, Taking advantage of the special relationship that he made and enabled him to be a man of consensus and agreement.

Over the past decades, the tasks carried out by Mr. Ali bin Al-Jumra have been moving in self-regard, reflecting the desire of the chairman and his abilities to provide charitable assistance and alleviate the suffering of those in need. However, the recent displacement of the country from the events and the expansion of human conditions and suffering, The man who dedicated himself and devoted part of his efforts to charitable work and assistance from the beginning of his life, prompted by the circumstances of the stage to establish (Foundation of human charity), along with the constellation of benevolent and well-known dignitaries and social symbols known for his charity work, Humanitarian) to face the vastness of human suffering among the Yemeni people to interact and the escalation of internal conflict and external interference, while the legacy of all these factors of serious damage to the homeland and the citizen and made the majority of the people entering the circle of humanity daily needs.

All the above, the man of good and the happiness Mr. Ali bin Ali Al-Jamra decided to establish the Foundation of Human Resources so that he could perform a duty of vow to himself early. It is therefore important to present some of the achievements made by the founder before he applied for the foundation in 2017. In order to obtain directly the building permit, which carried number (446) after the expanded needs and expanded the desire of the good man to expand his charitable activities to include all the Yemeni geography through the work of charity interactive and large and organized by the Foundation qualifies scientifically and knowledge and has qualified cadres and experience and cover all the Republic.

Finally, it is important to provide examples of the achievements made by the President of the Foundation and the qualified staff cooperating with him before the establishment of some of them here as part of the definition of the personality of the founding president and his interests.

why us

As a result the conditions and war ongoing in Yemen inasmuch of the crisis formed from political conflicts, the intervention by the coalition of 17 countries and the imposing blockade that prevent the entry of  medicines, medical supplies and prevent patients from traveling abroad to get the medical care. Tragically, all this has caused bad economic problems. Significantly millions of Yemenis falling below poverty line. Moreover, bombs and missiles targeting civilians, killing them and destroy their houses. Which spread poverty, hunger, epidemics, and various diseases in the light of collapse of the health situation and not provide the minimum potential to cope with these deadly diseases. Many international organizations have reported that the Yemenis are suffering from malnutrition.

More than 17 million Yemenis are estimated to need urgent humanitarian assistance in many things such as, food, waterdrink, housing and health care.

Official figures have recorded significant numbers of people have cholera which killed more than 2000 persons. Possibly and likely numbers is in increasing.

As is known, the disastrous damages that happened on Yemenis due to the war have created effects on the current economic policies because of that these effects might be increasing if the situation kept permanently unchangeable.

Some international organizations published reports regarding speak of the millions of people need urgent assistance that may keep them survive, especially the category of displaced and forcibly displaced who likely left their homes running away of airstrikes that targeting their houses or the area around their houses or other war reasons that may make them leave their homes.

Besides, since the majority of group of people may had their houses bombed or damaged by airstrikes, most of those of people might lost their host and the only source of income. Significantly those people require rapid assistance to provide the necessities of main supplies such as, food, drinks, hygiene, medicals and other requirements which will protect them from the fluctuation of climate and weather like blankets and clothes.

However, the needs of the displaced exceed the normal needs which significantly should have a serious attention to integrate them with the new displacement community, and address the psychological effects of displacement.


Proudly, Al-khairat foundation has paid all of its focus on how to provide all these assistances to decrease the suffering of those people and works enthusiastically under these difficult circumstances.

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